Archive for the ‘Dexter’ Category

Hump Day Hottie: Julie Benz

September 9, 2009

This weeks midweek pick-me-up is Julie Benz. I hope to God that you watch Dexter on Showtime because that is where you will get your recommended dosage of Ms. Benz. I say “Ms.” there because of her divorce in 2007. Schwing. At only 37, Julie has a few years before she can dominate Thunder Treats Cougar Madness, but sure do look for forward to it. To get hip to Julie, I suggest getting geared up for season 4 of Dexter by going through all the past seasons first. Let me tell you that Rita gets hotter and hotter by the episode. And if I’m not mistaken, I would say Rita Bennet got herself some surgically enhanced heaters starting in season 3. Awesome. So sit back, push your work to the side and enjoy some much deserved Julie Benz. More pics after the jump…